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Sunday 16 December 2018

Taking Care of Your Horse: Routine Health Care of Horses

Owning a horse means heavy responsibility will be weighted upon you since you only not need to take care of it, but you also need to have sufficient budget enough to be able to buy stable and grooming equipment, medicines, and some routine check-up to keep your horse’s health and well-being in good condition. 

Now, if you’re into the noble sport of horse racing then you should know by now that for you to be able to win the competition, your horse’s condition should be in a tiptop shape, especially if you’re planning to join competitions like Pegasus race gulfstream. So, if you’re a beginner then you should know the other methods in caring your horse to keep it healthy throughout the horse’s life. Here’s how you should care for your horse: 

Looking Out for Illness 

To be healthy is to be prepared against illnesses, this is why you should monitor your horse regularly for any signs of illness. You can do the regular monitoring during grooming times and daily feeding. Now, if you’re wondering if what you should probably look out for, then here are the general signs of illnesses: 

• Lack of appetite 
• Diarrhea 
• Coughing and sneezing 
• Discharge from the eyes or nose 

Now, it is not necessary that these are the only signs that you should look out for since there are also instances where your horse’s illness shows up as loss of hair or skin irritation around some areas. In addition, problems with the musculoskeletal system are often seen as head bobbing, reluctance in movement, and lameness. 

If you think your horse is showing one of these signs for more than a day or two then it is best to get your horsed checked by a veterinarian.

The Importance of Veterinary Care

Veterinary care
is an important thing to do if you want your horse to be in tiptop shape. You should remember that adult horses need to have a complete veterinary examination at least once a year. The geriatric horses which are older than 20 years old, should especially see their veterinarian twice a year or more frequently since illnesses are more common in older animals. A wellness program or routine blood tests might be recommended by your veterinarian to keep your horse’s health in good condition. 

Giving of Medication 

Oral medication is usually in the form of what is commonly called boluses or horse pills. If you administer the medicine through oral medication, then you should identify first the toothless gap directly behind the horse’s incisors and in the molar’s front, insert your thumb into the gap while holding the horse’s head down with your hand. Then, pull the horse’s tongue firmly out through the gap and gently hold it outside the mouth. 

Now, remember to lubricate the bolus first with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly before administering it to the horse to avoid it from getting caught in the horse’s throat. On the other hand, other oral medication such as drenching guns and paste syringe can be placed far back in the mouth to administer the fluid or paste, just hold your horse’s head level or tilt it slightly upwards until the horse swallows the medicine. 

Technically speaking, administering medication to your horse wouldn’t be difficult if you use common sense and follow the handling principles in administering the medicine so as to keep you both safe. You only need to remember that you should maintain physical contact with your horse by keeping your shoulder pressed against your horse’s shoulder or flank. Also, make sure you are using a sturdy halter and lead rope to avoid injuries. 

Lastly, there are medications that can only be administered through injection, which is usually injected around the neck area or thigh. Thus, ask your veterinarian about how to administer such medication, and ask for guidance by demonstrating how to administer the injection to your horse correctly so that you will know how to give the injection properly.

Significance of Vaccines

One of the key components of preventive medication in horses, vaccinations are done to stimulate the immune system against the infection before exposure-disease. There are a few vaccines that are routinely given to horses as a core defense against some serious and infectious illnesses. 


If you want your horse to be healthy and happy, then it is important for you to know how to take care of your horse throughout its lifetime. Knowing the routine health care and by properly putting it into practice, your horse’s overall good well-being will be guaranteed. Additionally, if you are eyeing to join some horse racing competitions, then wouldn’t it be more apparent that you should care and invest for your horse to win the competition you were eyeing for?

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